Friday, March 16, 2018

Impact of the One Stop Donation Drop + Blood Drive

Thank you to everyone who attended the One Stop Donation Drop + Blood Drive on Saturday, March 3rd at the Scandia Community Center. I'm excited to share the results from the day:

- Up to 45 lives will be saved thanks to 15 blood donors.

- 31 children’s lives will be saved because they will receive a measles shot through One Shot One Life.

- 902 books and 80 learning materials were donated to the African Library Project so 465 orphans and vulnerable children in Malawi, Africa, can have a library at their school.

- 584 items donated to Family Pathways.

- 88.69 pounds of food was collected for the Scandia-Marine Food Shelf.

- 54 milkweed seeds for monarch butterflies were planted in 9 biodegradable planters.

- 43 items were given to children in Child Protective Services at Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

- 42 items were donated for use in welcome baskets for new residents at Christian Community Home.

- 24 pictures were colored for Color-a-Smile who then sends them to seniors who are homebound or in nursing homes; veterans; and those in the military.

- 17 items were collected for the Wildlife Science Center.

- 16 DVDs were given to Bridge for Youth for programs for at-risk, homeless, and formerly-homeless youth who are 10-18 years old.

- 11 hats were knitted for newborns at Fairview Lakes Medical Center.

- 10 items were collected for Northwoods Humane Society, $40 was donated, and 1 dog was adopted.

- 10 fleece-tied blankets were donated to Project Linus who will give them to children and teenagers struggling with life-threatening medical issues (3 blankets were made and 7 were donated).

- 9 items were collected and 3 no-sew tie fleece hats were made for pediatric cancer patients at Children’s Hospital.

- 7 raffle tickets were sold by the Scandia-Marine Lions Club which support service projects including college scholarships for high-school graduates.

- 5 ink jet cartridges were collected and recycled by the Forest Lake Lions Club.

- 5 pairs of eyeglasses were collected for the Scandia-Marine Lions Club in support of the Lions Recycle for Sight Program that provides glasses to low- and middle-income individuals.

- 4 boxes of donations were collected by The Baby Blanket & Hannah’s Arms to help single- and low-income mothers.

- People learned from Christ Lutheran Church how mats are made using plarn (plastic yarn made from plastic bags) for those experiencing homelessness.